Meet The Artist

Kris Chau

Meet printmaker, Kris Chau.

Describe what you do: Well, I try very hard to live a life where I get to be as free as I can be. The art I make is my currency as well as an extension of my values. So I paint, I papercut, I am a printmaker, and as of late I have been performing with my band. Some of it is for money to live, some of it is in support of people I care about, and some of it is to support me and ground myself in these times we’re living.

Where do you live? Where do you work? I live in the beautiful Echo Park of Los Angeles. I work out of a very cold or very hot (depending on the time of the year) garage on the side of my home.

Describe a typical day for you: Typically I try to keep my days as open as I can, which never seems to work out. But it feels good to keep life open for the day to move naturally. We all get to be our more authentic selves when not pressed for time. I am a slow riser, I don’t like to rush anything, especially waking up! I make breakfast for my partner and he makes coffee for both of us. Since we are in a band together now we have been asking each other what our day is in case we missed something. Lately the days have been more full with freelance that I feel like I am always playing catch up. I try to take some kind of meditative walk or stretch before the sun goes down. I stopped driving so now I ride my bike or take public transportation. Normally studio hours end around 6 or 7 and I start dinner. Unless it’s a Monde UFO gig day, then this all goes out the window and we just stay relaxed until soundcheck and the show!

Name a book that you read recently and loved: I recently re-read The Last Unicorn. I whipped through it while on a trip in a few days and it was a joy! It felt good to be in a magical world that wasn’t overly described and actually quite funny and sarcastic. Spoiler Alert: They don’t get to be together, but love changes them and saves them.

Favorite snack: Green Mangos and Sweet Sticky Fish Sauce

Favorite color combination: A natural warm white and a rich cool black.

What is your most treasured possession? My body!