Meet The Artist
Molly Egan
Molly Egan is an illustrator based in Philadelphia. Her work has appeared throughout the world in magazines, in books, on clothing, and even on cookies. She is best known for her colorful, pattern filled sketchbooks which she chronicles on Instagram. In her sketchbooks and much of her illustration work, Molly uses traditional materials such as paint, colored pencils, markers, and pastels. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, watching Housewives, and hanging with her dog and husband.
Describe a typical day for you:
I like to ease into my day. Some days I might start with a long walk, while other days I may cook myself a big breakfast and watch a Bravo show, or read a few chapters in a book. It's nice to have a little me time before diving into work. The rest of the day is spent bouncing between emails, packing orders, and creating new work for my business and for clients. Every day is a little different, which is what I really like about being an illustrator!
Favorite color combination:
For a long time, it was pink and green, but these days I'm really loving blue and pink together. Another favorite is blue and orange!
What is your most treasured possession?
All of my little knick knacks. I don't think I can pick just one! If I had to pick a favorite collection of things, it would probably be my fridge magnets. I don't know, they are just fun! My husband and I grab the silliest ones we can find when we travel.
Favorite snack:
Even though I love to bake and make a lot of ice cream, I'm actually way more of a salty snacker. My favorites are anything spicy or honey mustard pretzels.